When TNP was just an idea, I know we wanted, no, needed an advisory council that was represented by the community, a group of people that truly represented what an inclusive board could look like. This week, we did just that. We’ve been developing the LEGACY LEADERSHIP CIRLCE, TNP’s newly formed advisory council. This isn’t your typical advisory council though. Our members have committed not only to supporting our mission but embrace our comprehensive approach around diversity, equity and inclusion that leads to systemic change and creates cultural shifts in the nonprofit sector.

In our first gathering, we discussed Austin’s Racial History, going deeper that 1928 Master Plan and how inequities are rooted in the city’s history and how that history has created barriers to board service for people of color in the greater Austin area. We also discussed spheres of influence and how we all have a role to play in helping nonprofit organizations and community leaders to bring an equity lens to boards and board service. We’re excited to bring the LLC members together to expand our reach and realize that we can do better for our community. Help us welcome the new Legacy Leadership!