While we know that the most current and serious effects of COVID-19 has prohibited us to connect in person, we want you to know that The New Philanthropists has been keeping a pulse on how we can help nonprofits continue their efforts in serving communities of color. It’s important for us to elevate inclusion and equity in this time of confusion and frustration, and for this reason you’ll see that we are actively pushing out any resources that might help nonprofits continue their work. We also want to provide ways of how you can get involved so that we can come together for all of our communities in need!
The New Philanthropists continues to plan for and restructure its current programs in order to meet the City Ordinance guidelines, so more to come on that. Thank you for supporting us, our mission and for elevating the discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Best Regards,
Paulina Artieda |Executive Director
Resources for Nonprofits
GIVINGCITY AUSTIN and other organizations have brought together a list of resources for nonprofits and clients to use due to the effect of COVID-19.
In an effort to support the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, Austin Community Foundation and United Way for Greater Austin have partnered to create All Together ATX.
This community-led philanthropic fund will provide flexible resources to nonprofit organizations working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and the economic consequences of the outbreak. The All Together ATX fund is designed to complement the work of public health officials and expand local capacity to address all aspects of the COVID-19 outbreak as effectively and efficiently as possible.
All Together ATX seeks to deploy resources in a phased approach, focused first on our most vulnerable populations and later on long-term recovery and sustainability for the nonprofit sector. Sign-up below to receive the latest news on future grant phases. Sign up >
If you would like to donate to this effort you can donate here.
Founded on a principle of community organizing to help support those affected by COVID19 in Austin, Texas, The Giveback Initiative aims to connect those who have lost their gig work, such as Uber drivers; those in the service industry; and small business owners, with nonprofits to help support their shovel-ready projects through data entry, administrative tasks, and other work. Donated funds support these workers as 1099 Contractors, in addition to building capacity for the organizations that are critical to maintaining support services for our neighbors.
If you have a nonprofit project you would like to support, are an out-of-work neighbor, or are interested in donating to the Giveback Initiative, please follow the links provided here.
Mission Capital is part of a collaborative back-boned by MEASURE Austin, to help community organizers better understand the impact of COVID-19 through equity-focused data. This survey is intended to be for all members of our communities in the Austin area, and is currently available in English, Spanish, and Korean, with other languages in the works. We ask that you share this survey with your networks and the communities you serve. Please note: All responses are anonymous. That means no personal information about you like your name, location, computer data will ever be shared with anyone. In 2 to 3 weeks, MEASURE and Mission Capital will collect and analyze all responses and then share the findings with the community. If you have questions about this survey and how data will be used, please contact MEASURE at hello@wemeasure.org. Share or take the survey |