AAPI Take the Lead: Demystifying what a board member looks like

What does a board member like look? Does the Asian Model Minority Myth hinder inclusion on boards? What does it mean have representation from the Asian diaspora on a board? According to the City of Austin’s Asian American Quality of Life Report 2018, “Asians represent the fastest growing racial group in Austin with Asian Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Filipinos and […]

TNP Launch of Recruitment of Leaders of Color

On December 6th, we hosted 65 of the city’s most engaged Leaders of Color to share The New Philanthropists action plan and invite them to participate. The event served as a launchpad to our work in recruiting 100 People of Color to serve on mainstream nonprofit boards.  Thank you St. David’s Foundation for supporting our work and Bank of America & One Voice Central Texas for […]

What we believe

We launched The New Philanthropists project because we believe that racially diverse nonprofit boards make for more effective nonprofits and offer new leadership opportunities for people of color.  Our goals are to increase the number of people of color on nonprofit boards and create a culture of transparency around racial diversity and inclusion in our sector.It’s important that we outline […]